The Company
LCS Construction Sdn Bhd formerly known as Lew Chor Sin & Sons Construction Sdn Bhd, was incorporated on 14th. March, 1995. It is currently engaged in the business of road works, earthworks, drainage works, concrete works, building and housing construction and other general construction. The company also provides the services of hiring of machineries and equipments.
LCS Construction is a fast growing construction company, grown from a local player to one of the top company in the same industry in Pahang state.
Plant management and personnel are committed to the production of a consistently high-quality concrete. Understanding company policies and commitment to quality is essential.
Smoothness - Smooth, quite ride and uniform surface.
Stage Construction - Improves on-site conditions.
Ease of Construction - Reduce maintenance requirements.
Durability - Allows withstand overload without serious damage.
Economical - Has lower first cost and lasts longer.
Safety - Provide high skid resistance values.